Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 8 / Sixth Lecture : Identifying Needs and Establishing Requirements. [Wong Mann Ee]

Lecturer : Miss Edina
Date : 6 Dec 2011


What are Requirements?
A requirement is a statement that specifies what an intended product should do, or 
how it should perform. 

● Specific, unambiguous, clear
– Time to download any page is less than 5
seconds on a DSL line of 20Mbits/second
– The playback bar should always indicate the 
position in the audio stream
● Too vague 
– Appealing to teenage girls (too vague) 
– The buttons should be engaging

Different kinds of requirement
– Functional requirements specify what the system should do
– Historically the main focus of requirements 
– Examples: word processor must support variety of formatting styles, Calculate 
                  total cost of purchases
– Non-Functional requirements specify what constraints there are on the system or its 
– Run on a variety of platforms
– Function on 64M of RAM
– Delivered in 6 months

*Interaction design requires us to understand both the functionality required and the 
constraints for development or operation of the product.*

Different Requirements

● Environment or context of use 
– Physical ( Dusty ? Noisy ? Vibrations ? Light ? Heat ? Humidity ? )
Example:Noisy and busy environment, users maybe talking while using the system
– Social : Sharing of files, displays, privacy, locking
– Organizational: Hierarchy, IT departments, user support,
communications structure, availability of training
– Users
   ● Novice : step-­by-­step, constrained, clear information
   ● Expert  : flexibility, access, power
   ● Frequent: short cuts
   ● Casual/infrequent: clear instructions, menu paths
Example: Majority of users under 25,comfortable dealing 
              with technology. 
● Usability
– Learnability, flexibility, throughput 
Example: Simple for new users, memorable for frequent users, efficient, 
              deal easily with user errors 
– User requirements and usability requirements 
refer to different things.
● Kinds of requirements 
– What factors (enviornmental, user, usability) ?
    ● Self­service cafeteria ­ paying using credit system 
    ● Nuclear plant control room
    ● Distributed car design team

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