Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 2 / First Lecture : What is interaction design? [Amirali]

The meaning of interaction design is: the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services. [source:]
Interaction design has the purpose of defining between the human beings by means of a product or a service. It focuses on the possibilities to create and encourage behaviour facilitating an exchange between people.

HCI : HCI means human computer interaction.
involves the study, planning, and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers. It is often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioural science,design and several other fields of study.[source:–computer_interaction]

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 2 / First Lecture : What is interaction design? [WeeFong]

Interaction is a process of two or more than one subject interacting. There are two form of interaction occur in our life which are interaction between human and human or between a machine and a human.  Example of interaction between human and human is when human talk to each other(human communication interaction). In the hands, the example of interaction between human and a machine is occur when the machine such as a computer give a feedback to its user (human computer interaction).
.There is a good and bad interaction. the receiver received the correct messages or feedback correctly. Where else, the bad interaction is when one or both side of the receiver does not received and detect the right information.
  • HCI-  refers to Human Communication Interaction / Human Computer Interaction
  • Its all about human in the ends.
  • the purpose to invent and reinvent.

Design is everywhere. Design are used as a medium of communication to public and also delivers information. By designing the medium of communication, it attract people attention. Designing is an activity that translate an idea into a blueprint form.
In the same time, design are used to decorate the environment to be more attractive.
User creates design that have creativity in it and provide a bussiness to the user.
This is how the design related.

What is HCI ? it’s not the term  “Hydrochloric Acid” in Chemistry, it was “Human Computer Interaction”.  Human as we know it, it was a living creature live on the earth for many years and was famous by calling “Homo-sapiens”. Computer is a machine that help human do to their everyday life, easily. Interaction is an action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another, vice versa.

So Human Computer Interaction is an interaction between human and machine. For example, human key in the input into the computer and computer will show out the output. There a lot of interaction involve in this situation, by keyboard, mouse, monitor, speaker and other thing. Human interact with a purpose to invent and reinvent. Overall it’s all about how human interact with machine.

Week 2 / First Lecture: Interaction Design and HCI [Mann Ee]

Lecturer : Miss Edina
Date : 25 Oct. 2011

Interaction design is....

  •  about creating interventions in often complex situations using technology of many kinds including PC software, the web and physical devices. 

    "Interaction design as a design discipline"

  •  designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives.   Sharp, Rogers and Preece (2011)

    "Interaction design as an extension of HCI"

  • The design of spaces for human communication and interaction. Winograd (1997)

HCI is an acronym which stands for Human Computer Interaction

Human–computer Interaction (HCI) is the study,planning and design of the interaction between users and computers. .HCI is also sometimes referred to as man–machine interaction(MMI) or computer–human interaction(CHI). -wikipedia
HCI is concerned with understanding how people make use of devices and systems that incorporate or embed computation, and how such devices and systems can be more useful and more usable. -Carroll (2003)

A timeline that showcase the past, present and future of Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
Past : 
1943 ENiac(1st computer) 
1964 The First Mouse
1981 Xerox star
1985 Microsoft Windows 1.0
1989 Nintendo gameboy
1994 - Sony playstation1
1995 Windows 95
Present : PS3, ipad, iphone , macbook, waterproof keyboard, microsoft surface..
Future : ???

HCI and Interaction Design
How Interaction Design relates to Human-Computer Interaction and other fields??

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 2 / First Lecture : What is Interaction design? [Wenyong]

The First lesson of MIS 1013 Interaction Studies class :
What is Interaction Design??

Interaction design is the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services. defined by Wikipedia.

Interaction design aims to define and facilitate interaction between human beings by means of a product or a service. It focuses on the possibilities to create and encourage behavior facilitating an exchange between people. defined by

We can therefore see interaction design on two levels:
. either between a user and a system;
. or between different users, in which case we speak about human interaction or “social interaction”.

Interaction Design is basically interaction between human and computer as defined the words itself, Interaction Design is developed to make user's life easy, effective & enjoyable.
Our daily life is filled up with products w/interaction design, for example: surfing internet on a smartphone, rushing assignments on a laptop, etc.

What is
Human Computer Interaction??
HCI? Can be defined as Hydrochloric Acid in Chemistry but not in Interaction Design.
HCI = Human Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction, as defined by Wikipedia, it is the study, planning and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers. It often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, design and several other fields of study. As what I had learnt in Human Factors and Universal Usability class before, HCI is all about human in the end. It is a study of how human interact with the machine or so-called computer. And it is a study on the purpose to invent new products and reinvent existing products to fulfill user satisfactions and lastly to produce an user-centered design.

Week 2 / First Lecture : What is interaction design? [WeiTing]

The first lesson of MIS 1013 Interaction Studies class is : 

So, what is Interaction Design all about?

Below is some definition about Interaction Design :

1. Interaction design is "the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services". [ Source of reference : ]

2. Interaction design aims to define and facilitate interaction between human beings by means of a product or a service. It focuses on the possibilities to create and encourage behavior facilitating an exchange between people. 

3. "Interaction Design" refers to the shaping of interactive products and services with a specific focus on their use. (Lowgren. J,2011

Basically, interaction design is the interactivity and communication between anything and everything. As written in Interaction Studies - beyond human computer interaction by Jennifer Preece,  the aim of interaction design is to redress this concern by bringing usability into the design process. In essence, it is about developing interactive products that are easy, effective, and enjoyable to use-from the users' perspective.

We faced a lots of interaction design products in our daily life. For example, we need to interact with the interface of the machine while we want to withdraw money from the ATM. Ultimately, it is all concern about HCI.

What is HCI ?
 Hydrochloric Acid ? NO !
 HCI is the abbreviation of Human-Computer Interaction. As defined by Wikipedia, it is the study, planning and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers. It often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, design and several other fields of study. As what I had learnt in Human Factors and Universal Usability class before, HCI is all about human in the end. It is a study of how human interact with the machine or so-called computer. And it is a study on the purpose to invent new products and reinvent existing products to fulfill user satisfactions and lastly to produce an user-centered design.

There are good and poor interaction design also.
But how do you differentiate a good and a poor interaction design? For me, I do think that a good interaction design must be user-friendly and user can interact with it without much problem. It should be help the user to do their task more efficiency and design in the priority of fit for human use and it is easy to operate.

Whereas, a poor interaction design make user confuse about how to operate it and make user doubt for it's function. A design that make user frustrated and let user thought that they are stupid and inefficient is considered as a poor interaction design too.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


This group blog is all about sharing what we learn in Interaction Studies class. More details will be updated soon. Do drop by oftenly to check the newest updates of us. Thanks.

Group Members :

Wong Wei Ting

Wong Mann Ee    

Tan Wen Yong    

Sim Wee Fong